There is a lot of confusion, in "religious circles," about the Biblical significance of baptism. However, Scriptural teaching really narrows it down to three words:
Baptism is a product of salvation, not a producer of salvation - Acts 2:41; 8:12; Luke 23:39-43.
Baptism is an individual testifying to his/her faith in Jesus Christ.
Every time the word baptism/baptized is used (whether referring to the specific act of water baptism or not) it is in a context of identification - 1 Corinthians 10:1-2; 12:12-13; Romans 6:3-4.
Obedience to the example of Jesus Christ - Matthew 3:13-17.
Obedience to the commission to the church - Matthew 28:18-20.
Obedience to the pattern of the early church - Acts 2:41; 8:12; 16:30-33; 18:8
If you have trusted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but never taken this next step in your Christian life by being baptized, we would love to talk more with you about baptism and its significance. Simply arrange to meet with one of the pastors.