There is no "thou shalt become a member" verse in the Bible. However, consider a couple of things about the Scriptures:
- The New Testament treats, almost as a contradiction, a Christian apart from a connection to a local church.
Twelve of the New Testament books are addressed to local churches.
Three of the remaining New Testament books are addressed to the leaders of local churches.
One of the remaining New Testament books describes, in some detail, the founding of local churches.
So, at least 60% of the New Testament has a decidedly local church emphasis.
- The vast majority of admonitions that deal with one Christian's relationship with other Christians can most effectively be viewed through the lens of, and lived out in, the context of a covenant relationship.
Why, then should I consider membership in a local church as one of my "NEXT STEPS"?
- Membership commits me to a body that God has designed for my personal growth - Ephesians 4:7-8,11-16.
- Membership provides an additional layer of accountability for my Christian life - Galatians 6:1.
- Membership opens doors of opportunity to use the gifts and abilities, which God has given to me, in service to others - Galatians 5:13-14; 6:9-10.
Membership at Canaan Bible Chapel is open to those who can give a testimony to having accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and followed Him by being baptized. To learn more about pursuing membership, speak with either of our pastors.